Scientists develop a biodegradable alloy for bone implants for fractures, osteoporosis and myeloma

Material scientists from NUST MISIS and the University of Western Australia have presented an innovative bioresorbable…

The Kerguelen oceanic plateau sheds light on the formation of continents

How did the continents form? Although to a certain extent this remains an open question, the…

Method to apply microfluidic electrochemical technologies to single-electron transfer redox-neutral reactions

A team of chemists and engineers at MIT has found a new way to apply microfluidic…

Informal feedback: We crave it more than ever, and don't care who it's from

The COVID-19 crisis has changed the way many of us work. With the switch to working…

ATLAS Experiment measures light scattering on light and constrains axion-like particles

Light-by-light scattering is a rare phenomenon in which two photons—particles of light—interact, producing another pair of…

Three-dimensional superlattice engineering with block copolymer epitaxy

Three-dimensional (3-D) structures at the nanoscale are important in modern devices, although their fabrication with traditional…

Scientists develop supersensitive sensors for mirror molecules in medicines

Researchers of Tomsk Polytechnic University with colleagues from the Czech Republic have developed supersensitive sensors for…

Hot ring produces microwave-powered ultrasound pulses wirelessly

Ultrasound imaging is one of the workhorses in a modern hospital. It hits the trifecta of…

Matching-commitment agreements to incentivize climate action

Many countries are failing to comply with the non-binding commitments of the Paris Agreement, making it…

Dinosaur footprints show predators as big as T. rex stomped across Australia 160 million years ago

Perhaps the most iconic dinosaur is Tyrannosaurus rex, a massive predator that lived in what is…