Scientists working to make molecule-sized robots swarm together to perform tasks

Multi-disciplinary research has led to the innovative fabrication of molecule-sized robots. Scientists are now advancing their…

Researchers make new discovery on the molecular structure of natural products

Researchers from the Institute of Molecular Science (ICMol) of the University of Valencia have managed to…

Researchers discover unique material design for brain-like computations

Over the past few decades, computers have seen dramatic progress in processing power; however, even the…

Scientists unlock secrets of Ethiopia's superfood in race to save it from warming climate

Teff, an ancient grain originally from Ethiopia, is a staple crop for 50 million people in…

High school students build lockers for trip to the International Space Station

Pulling that final zipper closed on a stuffed suitcase or getting the tailgate of a packed…

Stunning new Hubble images reveal stars gone haywire

The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope demonstrates its full range of imaging capabilities with two new images…

Use of forests to offset carbon emissions requires an understanding of the risks

Given the tremendous ability of forests to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, some governments are…

Forest loss escalates biodiversity change

New international research reveals the far-reaching impacts of forest cover loss on global biodiversity. …

Achievement isn't why more men are majoring in physics, engineering and computer science

While some STEM majors have a one-to-one male-to-female ratio, physics, engineering and computer science (PECS) majors…

Natural fluid injections triggered Cahuilla earthquake swarm

A naturally occurring injection of underground fluids drove a four-year-long earthquake swarm near Cahuilla, California, according…