Fiber optics capture seismic signatures of the rose parade

Yes, there’s a prize for the most beautiful flower-filled float in the Rose Parade each year,…

If students can't come to chemistry, take chemistry to the students

Amy Petros, a University of North Texas chemistry professor, always encourages her students to be creative,…

Jurrassic Park got it wrong: Research indicates raptors didn't hunt in packs

A new University of Wisconsin Oshkosh analysis of raptor teeth published in the peer-reviewed journal Palaeogeography,…

Lyin' eyes: Butterfly, moth eyespots may look the same, but likely evolved separately

The iconic eyespots that some moths and butterflies use to ward off predators likely evolved in…

Bat 'super immunity' may explain how bats carry coronaviruses

A University of Saskatchewan (USask) research team has uncovered how bats can carry the Middle East…

Programming with the light switch

In the development of autonomous systems and materials, self-assembling molecular structures controlled by chemical reaction networks…

Birds take flight with help from Sonic hedgehog

Feathers are amazing evolutionary innovations that allowed birds to conquer the sky. A study led by…

China's space test hits snag with capsule 'anomaly'

A cargo capsule that was part of a key test in China’s space programme experienced an…

Study shows wetter climate is likely to intensify global warming

A study in the May 6th issue of Nature indicates the increase in rainfall forecast by…

What a sustainable circular economy would look like

More than 100 billion tonnes of materials entered the global economy in 2017 to generate power,…