There is no I in Team—as the saying goes. But new research suggests it is important…
Air quality tests need simplifying to help reduce dangerous emissions
New methods of testing and simulating air quality should be considered in order to help policy…
Shifting the balance of growth vs. defense boosts crop yield
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) scientists are figuring out how to pack more kernels onto a…
Suction cups that don't fall off
The aquatic larvae of the net-winged midge have the unique ability to move around at ease…
New tool reveals DNA structures that influence disease
Disruption of certain DNA structures—called topologically associating domains, or TADs—is linked with the development of disease,…
Meerkat mobs do 'war dance' to protect territory
Meerkat clans perform a ‘war dance’ to frighten opponents and protect their territory, according to a…
Dogs process numerical quantities in similar brain region as humans, study finds
Dogs spontaneously process basic numerical quantities, using a distinct part of their brains that corresponds closely…
Rescuers free entangled humpback whale off California coast
A rescue team helped free a young humpback whale that was tangled in fishing gear south…
Scientists discover how proteins form crystals that tile a microbe's shell
Many microbes wear beautifully patterned crystalline shells, which protect them from a harsh world and can…
Skin cancer mystery revealed in yin and yang protein
It starts off small, just a skin blemish. The most common moles stay just that way—harmless…