Resident orcas' appetite likely reason for decline of big Chinook salmon

Killer whales prefer to eat only the biggest, juiciest Chinook salmon they can find. The larger…

Chemists glimpse the fleeting 'transition state' of a reaction

During a chemical reaction, the molecules involved in the reaction gain energy until they reach a…

Connecting the prehistoric past to the global future

Research on global biodiversity has long assumed that present-day biodiversity patterns reflect present-day factors, namely contemporary…

Neutrons optimize high efficiency catalyst for greener approach to biofuel synthesis

Researchers led by the University of Manchester have designed a catalyst that converts biomass into fuel…

Hydrogels control inflammation to help healing

Hydrogels for healing, synthesized from the molecules up by Rice University bioengineers, are a few steps…

Artificial intelligence may help scientists make spray-on solar cells

Artificial Intelligence may be just the thing to accelerate spray-on solar cell technology, which could revolutionize…

Cultural variables influence consumer demand for private-label brands

New research co-written by a University of Illinois expert in consumer behavior and global marketing explores…

Discovery reveals tractionless motion is possible

In an article published in Physical Review Letters, Bristol scientists have answered the fundamental question: “Is…

Leptons help in tracking new physics

Electrons with ‘colleagues’—other leptons—are one of many products of collisions observed in the LHCb experiment at…

New 'netherworldly' freshwater fish named for Thai conservation visionary

At first glance, Garra surinbinnani looks like a stout, brown minnow with the face of a…