Microbial growth and carbon uptake are driven mainly by nature, not nurture

For soil microorganisms, how much of their life’s work is driven by evolution (nature) versus their…

Among India's working poor, sobriety may boost savings

Trying to stay sober does not change the earnings of some workers—but it does increase the…

Six amazing facts you need to know about ants

Have you have seen ants this year? In Britain, they were probably black garden ants, known…

Ariane 5's second launch of 2019

An Ariane 5 has delivered the T-16 and Eutelsat-7C telecom satellites into their planned orbits. …

Spaceship Concordia

Science for the benefit of space exploration does not only happen off planet. While some studies…

Researchers demonstrate new path to reliable quantum computation

Researchers at the University of Chicago published a novel technique for improving the reliability of quantum…

Approaching the magnetic singularity

In many materials, electrical resistance and voltage change in the presence of a magnetic field, usually…

Soft drink by-products could reduce global warming

Professor of Chemistry Craig Teague and his students have discovered that the by-products of soft drinks…

Small satellite concept finalists target moon, Mars and beyond

NASA has selected three finalists among a dozen concepts for future small satellites. The finalists include…

Mars 2020 rover gets its wheels

In this image, taken on June 13, 2019, engineers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,…