Researchers enhance security in proof of stake blockchain protocols

Blockchain Technology is known to be one of the top disruptive technologies of today that is…

Game of drones: Airports rally firms to battle threat from above

A quadcopter drone appears on the radar screen and makes a beeline for the control tower…

A sound idea: A step towards quantum computing

A team at the University of Tsukuba studied a novel process for creating coherent lattice waves…

Pitt researchers' report pushes for regional green infrastructure database

Stakeholders invested in the region’s waterways, stormwater management and green infrastructure have a new roadmap to…

Astronomers make first detection of polarised radio waves in Gamma Ray Burst jets

Good fortune and cutting-edge scientific equipment have allowed scientists to observe a Gamma Ray Burst jet…

Curbing the flammability of epoxy resin

In a paper to be published in a forthcoming issue of Nano, a team of researchers…

Secure quantum communications in the microwave range for the first time

Mikel Sanz, of the Physical Chemistry Department of UPV/EHU, leads the theoretical group for an experiment…

Efficiently producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose

Researchers have presented a new strategy for efficiently producing fatty acids and biofuels that can transform…

Researchers lay out plan for managing rivers for climate change

New strategies for river management are needed to maintain water supplies and avoid big crashes in…

Real-time analysis of MOF adsorption behavior

Researchers have developed a technology to analyze the adsorption behavior of molecules in each individual pore…