A new paradigm of material identification based on graph theory

Materials Genome Initiative (MGI) and National Materials Genome Project have been launched by American and Chinese…

Scientists report the first family of extracellular Rickettsia-like bacteria

Microbiologists of St Petersburg University, together with researchers from the University of Milan, the University of…

The art of money: New Paris museum puts economy centre stage

Do consumers make rational choices? It might not sound like the title of an art exhibit,…

Using prevalent technologies and 'Internet of Things' data for atmospheric science

The use of prevalent technologies and crowdsourced data may benefit weather forecasting and atmospheric research, according…

How Sweden went from 'least democratic' to welfare state

In a new study, Lund University economic historian Erik Bengtsson debunks the myth that Sweden was…

German railways to stop using glyphosate on tracks

German state-owned rail operator Deutsche Bahn is to stop using glyphosate on its tracks and is…

Development of durable MTJ under harsh environment for STT-MRAM at 1Xnm technology node

Researchers at Tohoku University have announced the development of a new magnetic tunnel junction, by which…

The current Nor­we­gian Bar­ents Sea oil spill risk governance frame­work would need con­sid­er­able re­mod­el­ling

A recent case study from the University of Helsinki examines different ways of framing oil spill…

Oscillating quasiparticles: the cycle of decay and rebirth

Decay is relentless in the macroscopic world: Broken objects do not fit themselves back together again.…

Small steps, big leaps – how marram grass builds dunes

The size and shape of dunes varies greatly around the world: in Europe they’re tall and…