Research identifies key driver for infanticide among chimpanzees

Research conducted by the University of Kent has suggested that the sexual selection hypothesis for infanticide…

Research reveals liquid gold on the nanoscale

The research published in Nature Communications set out to answer a simple question—how do nanoparticles melt?…

Married US moms aim to have first baby in the spring, new research shows

Educated and married American moms are more likely to try to time their pregnancy so that…

Fermi mission reveals its highest-energy gamma-ray bursts

For 10 years, NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has scanned the sky for gamma-ray bursts (GRBs),…

Migratory hoverflies 'key' as many insects decline

Migratory hoverflies are “key” to pollination and controlling crop pests amid the decline of many other…

The power of a love song: Dopamine affects seasonal hearing in fish and facilitates mating

Many people associate dopamine with reward or attention. Some might think of the part it plays…

Environmental oxygen triggers loss of webbed digits

Free fingers have many obvious advantages on land, such as in locomotion and grasping, while webbed…

Viruses found to use intricate 'treadmill' to move cargo across bacterial cells

Countless textbooks have characterized bacteria as simple, disorganized blobs of molecules. Click here for…

Twitter releases new trove of banned state propaganda

Social media giant Twitter on Thursday released a new archive of state-backed propaganda from accounts it…

Video: What is the chemistry behind ringworm?

Did you know that ringworm is not actually a worm? Click here for original…