Researchers identify the source of asymmetry in RNA-DNA hybrids

A study headed by the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and published in the…

Forest schools: how climbing trees and making dens can help children develop resilience

Despite all the research that tells parents how good it is for their children to spend…

Living and breathing while Black: Racial profiling and other acts of violence

Recently, Shelby McPhee, a young Black male graduate student presenting at the largest Canadian academic gathering,…

Understanding intolerance with a better research method

Intolerance has been one of the most discussed topics in Indonesia, a secular country with the…

Creatives in the country? Blockchain and agtech can create unexpected jobs in regional Australia

Digital technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are said to make many jobs redundant…

Despite positive trends, women remain underrepresented in animation

A new study examines the ecosystem of the animation industry and finds pluses and minuses for…

Online gambling: Children among easy prey for advertisers who face few sanctions

With concerns growing that children and vulnerable people are being targeted by rogue online gambling advertising,…

Harvesters of light

They fan out into lily-pad-shaped disks, branch haphazardly like the antlers of deer, and hold fast…

Elephants walk more direct paths under risk of poaching

Elephants move faster and straighter when moving through risky areas, researchers have discovered, meandering more when…

Solar activity forecast for next decade favorable for exploration

The last astronauts of the Apollo program were lucky. Not just because they were chosen to…