Biden, Warren propose new plans to combat climate change

Former Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday unveiled a $1.7-trillion, 10-year plan to combat climate change,…

Frogs find refuge in elephant tracks

Frogs need elephants. That’s what a new WCS-led study says that looked at the role of…

UV light may illuminate improvements for next generation electronic devices

By adding one more layer of atoms to already infinitesimally small semiconductors, a next-level generation of…

Exomoons may be home to extra-terrestrial life

Moons orbiting planets outside our solar system could offer another clue about the pool of worlds…

Researchers develop superconducting quantum refrigerator

Imagine a refrigerator so cold it could turn atoms into their quantum states, giving them unique…

Can computers make decisions like humans? A new study may have the answer

A team of British researchers has developed a method that enables computers to make decisions in…

Nitric oxide-scavenging hydrogel developed for rheumatoid arthritis treatment

Nitric oxide (NO) prevents high blood pressure and artery plaque build-up in our body. However, its…

'Citizen scientists' help track foxes, coyotes in urban areas

As foxes and coyotes adapt to urban landscapes, the potential for encounters with humans necessarily goes…

Companies battling shareholder complaints have a potent weapon: Advertising

An international team of researchers from Goethe University Frankfurt, University of Adelaide, Hanken School of Economics,…

Climate change is driving rapid shifts between high and low water levels on the Great Lakes

The North American Great Lakes contain about one-fifth of the world’s surface fresh water. In May,…