Trees, the ancient Macedonians, and the world's first environmental disaster

It’s a simple enough equation: good soil is the key to good food. And good soil…

Researchers use magnetically actuated microrobots to deliver stem cells to tissue targets

A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in South Korea and one in Switzerland has…

What does the public think about corporate responsibility?

What is the public’s opinion when it comes to the responsibility of Swiss companies abroad? ETH…

Fighting malaria with fungi: Biologists engineer a fungus to be deadlier to mosquitoes

Bed nets. Insecticides. Sterile and genetically modified insects. Now scientists are adding a genetically engineered toxic…

Ancient DNA is revealing the origins of livestock herding in Africa

Visitors to East Africa are often amazed by massive herds of cattle with a gorgeous array…

ExoMars orbiter prepares for Rosalind Franklin

On 15 June, the ESA-Roscosmos ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) will follow a different path. An…

A European mission control for the Mars rover

The ExoMars rover has a brand new control center in one of Europe’s largest Mars yards.…

To get a high-renewable electric grid, build more solar and wind than needed

The famous inventor Edwin Land said, “It’s not that we need new ideas, but we need…

Solar energy expert shares blueprint for a carbon-free future in PV-tech power

Last year, California set the nation’s most ambitious energy goal—deriving 100 percent of its electrical power…

A combination of agrochemicals shortens the life of bees, study shows

A new study by Brazilian biologists suggests that the effect of pesticides on bees could be…