Huawei chairman says ready to sign 'no-spy' deal with UK

Chinese telecom giant Huawei is willing to sign a “no-spy” agreement with countries including Britain, the…

Walmart speeds up delivery in race with Amazon

Retail colossus Walmart on Tuesday began offering free next-day deliveries of online purchases, aiming to counter…

Mexico City declares air pollution alert

Mexico City declared an environmental alert Tuesday as a blanket of smog enveloped the sprawling urban…

Reading the dark heart of chromosomes

Although the genomes of thousands of plant and animal species have been sequenced, for most of…

Hunting responsible for mammal declines in half of intact tropical forests

Defaunation—the loss of species or decline of animal populations—is reaching even the most remote and pristine…

FAA deferred to Boeing on key 737 MAX assessments: source

The US Federal Aviation Administration did not independently evaluate the safety of a Boeing 737 MAX…

Perpetuating privilege on Mexico City's golf courses

The gap between the wealthy and the poor is on a growth trajectory. Billionaire fortunes increased…

Research team introduces wearable audio dataset

Researchers studying wearable listening technology now have a new data set to use, thanks to University…

How proteins help influenza A bind and slice its way to cells

Researchers have provided new insight on how two proteins help influenza A virus particles fight their…

When Americans go to the polls, they look to the past – not the future

There’s one question that almost every American voter asks him- or herself when casting their vote…