Scientists use historical data to create first assessment of human impacts on biodiversity

The way humans use land across the British Isles has changed beyond recognition during the past…

Colonial policies can result in economic growth

A new study in the Review of Economic Studies suggests that areas where Dutch colonizers built…

Silicon Valley 'Hackathon': Coders target deadly California wildfires

Silicon Valley is not going to stop the next California inferno with computer code, but a…

They call it a 'bat apocalypse.' The fungus causing it is spreading across Texas

The fungus that kills bats showed up in Texas only two years ago, but now it…

15-foot great white shark is being tracked off the Carolinas. It weighs 2,137 pounds

Shark trackers say a 15-foot, 2,137-pound great white shark is traveling up the Carolinas coast on…

Bike to Work Week: Are e-bikes the answer to health, traffic and environmental issues?

Melissa Wenzel got rid of her Toyota Prius in April 2018. Click here for…

Apple's new TV app lets users download this season's 'Game of Thrones' episodes

Furthering its push into the burgeoning streaming TV industry, Apple launched a new app that it…

Highly endangered Florida grasshopper sparrows reared in captivity are released

Three of the rarest birds in Florida took an extraordinary adventure this week, slipping out of…

Wait, is that video real? The race against deepfakes and dangers of manipulated recordings

It used to take a lot of time and expertise to realistically falsify videos. Not anymore. …

Catapulting spider winds up web to launch at prey: study

Just when you thought spiders couldn’t get any more terrifying. Click here for original…