NASA’s FY 2025 Budget | The Planetary Society

The President’s Budget Request for NASA for fiscal year 2025 is $25.4 billion, a modest 2%…

Seizing upon syzygy

How scientists use total solar eclipses as opportunities to do solar science. Source link

Your impact: March equinox 2024

Announcing the first C. Wallace Hooser award for visionary philanthropy Source link

An exquisite cosmic coincidence

Why eclipses on Earth are unlike anything else in the Solar System. Source link

Science to satisfy curiosity | The Planetary Society

Mars Sample Return is all about the science. The joint project between NASA and the European…

The science value of Mars Sample Return

There’s better equipment on Earth For all the wonders robotic space missions have to offer, they…

Lunar success stories | The Planetary Society

Can SpaceX’s Starship save Mars Sample Return? With NASA’s budget still uncertain, it’s tempting to consider…

The coolest new space pictures: February 2024

That switch was a safety shutoff for the laser system meant to guide the spacecraft to…

A ridge over hidden water

Eris and Makemake may be more active than we thought. New observations from JWST suggest that…

Can SpaceX’s Starship save Mars Sample Return?

Amid the cost growth, political division, and management missteps roiling NASA and ESA’s Mars Sample Return…