LightSail 2’s legacy lives on

On the one-year anniversary of LightSail 2’s end of flight, we look back at the mission…

How old is the Earth?

The Earth is thought to be about 4.54 billion years old. Learn more about how it…

Aquatic equivalencies | The Planetary Society

The waters of Enceladus are a tantalizing place in the search for life. Phosphorus, a key…

Life on Venus: Your Questions Answered

Did life exist on Venus in the past? Because liquid water is the key to life…

LightSail 2 Mission Control | The Planetary Society

Become A Member When you become a member, you join our mission to increase discoveries in…

Membership & Giving | The Planetary Society

Workplace Giving Give a gift – of cash or stock – and multiply it through your…

Far out, man! | The Planetary Society

NASA has restored contact with Voyager 2. The spacecraft, which has been traveling away from Earth…

Are exoplanet ‘terminator zones’ a lead in…

Terminator zones and the search for life For a terminator zone to be potentially habitable, it…

Hasta la vista, baby | The Planetary Society

Perseverance and Ingenuity are still hard at work on Mars. The Ingenuity helicopter took its 54th…

Storms and showers | The Planetary Society

Megastorms on Saturn are churning up its atmosphere. Researchers in the United States used data from…