Vega flight VV03 liftoff replay

The third launch by Europe’s new small launcher, Vega, delivered Kazakhstan’s first satellite for high-resolution Earth…

Glowing jewels in the Galactic Plane

The majority of the stars in our Galaxy, the Milky Way, reside in a single huge…

Cosmic fairy lights

This sparkling jumble is Messier 5 — a globular cluster consisting of hundreds of thousands of…

Antenna attention

Technology image of the week: ESA's antenna activity highlighted during a gathering of European specialists

Antenna at Redu

Expressly shaped for transmitting and receiving radio waves across vast distances, antennas are vital tools for…

Radar image of the Netherlands

This image over the west coast of the Netherlands is one of the early radar scans…

ESA’s Optical Ground Station

ESA's Optical Ground Station houses the Lunar Lasercom Optical Ground System.

Training in Japan

ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen is once again joined by his colleague Thomas Pesquet as they embark…

Earth from Space: Sampling Sentinel

Earth from Space is presented by Kelsea Brennan-Wessels from the ESA Web-TV virtual studios. In the…

ESA Euronews: Europe’s 50 year space odyssey

In this edition of Space we look back at the past 50 years of space in…