Vega VV02 liftoff

This time-lapse shows the final countdown, the rollback of the mobile gantry and the second liftoff of…

Shady side of ATV

A rare view from behind of the solar wings built for ESA’s Automated Transfer Vehicle –…

Inauguration of ESA’s Near-Earth Object Coordination Centre

Inauguration of ESA's Near-Earth Object Coordination Centre at ESRIN (Frascati, Italy) on 22 May 2013. This…

Reading radiation in space

Space can be a hostile and at times unpredictable environment. Although years of testing go into…

ECSAT: New ESA centre at Harwell, UK

A new centre dedicated to developing new space technologies and applications has been unveiled by the…


Albert Einstein, the fourth of ESA's Automated Transfer Vehicles in a series of 5, awaits launch…

ATV-4 Programme and Mission

ESA will shortly launch Albert Einstein, the fourth Automated Transfer Vehicle, from Europe's Spaceport in French…

ATV-4 heritage

As ESA prepares to launch the fourth, and penultimate, Automated Transfer Vehicle to the International Space…

Tim Peake

Tim Peake