Sulci Gordii close-up

This image focuses on a region on the western limb of Sulci Gordii (top centre-right on…

Sulci Gordii

ESA’s Mars Express imaged the Sulci Gordii region of Mars with its High Resolution Stereo Camera…

Channels and fractures in Sulci Gordii

This perspective view focuses on the southernmost portion of Sulci Gordii, which highlights jagged fractures and…

Sulci Gordii in context

Sulci Gordii was imaged by the High Resolution Stereo Camera on ESA’s Mars Express on 23…

Proba-V in place

Technology image of the week: Proba-V within its protective fairing being lowered onto its Vega launcher…

When Proba-V met Vega

The Proba-V satellite and its two fellow passengers inside their shared protective fairing are carefully lowered…


Seventies science-fiction or science experiment? Not an actor or space traveller, this ‘pillownaut’ might not have…

Saturn’s north-pole hurricane close up

Spectacular close-up view of Saturn’s north-pole hurricane, as seen by the international Cassini spacecraft, revealing the…

Meet the Proba-V team: Davy Vrancken, QinetiQ Space Project Manager

QinetiQ Space in Belgium is serving as prime contractor for the Proba-V mission, as it did…

The remains of a star gone supernova

These delicate wisps of gas make up an object known as SNR B0519-69.0, or SNR 0519…