Credits: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum)
Category: ESA
Hurricane Irene – Image
Credits: ESA
Phytoplankton bloom captured by Envisat – Image
Credits: ESA
Diminishing Arctic sea ice – Image
Credits: Animation based on data from the US National Ice Center
Proba-2 fuel tank refilled from ‘solid gas’
Sometimes all it takes is fresh air to get a new lease of life. ESA’s Proba-2…
André Kuipers during a training session at the GCTC – Image
Credits: ESA - S. Corvaja, 2011
André Kuipers during a training session at the GCTC – Image
Credits: ESA - S. Corvaja, 2011
Accolade for water mission technology
Members of the driving force behind ESA's SMOS mission have been awarded the prestigious Certificate of…