Europe and Russia: partners in human spaceflight

Fifteen years of fruitful cooperation in human spaceflight activities between Russia and the European Space Agency…

Orbiting Hurricane Hunter back in action

After a three-year gap, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts is again routinely assimilating data…

Mars – Ascraeus Mons in 3D

This is a link to a 3D image which shows a portion of the southern flank…

Chilean giant squid invasion

Masses of large ocean-going squid have inundated the shores of Southern Chile, alarming local fishermen who…

Patagonian ice cracks open

A spectacle unseen for 16 years occurred in Patagonia this week: a natural dam of blue…

ESA solves thirty-year old gamma-ray mystery

ESA’s Integral gamma-ray observatory has resolved the diffuse glow of gamma rays in the centre of…

Fast lane for space technology innovation

A new ESA initiative got underway this week to speed up the turnaround time from idea…

Water at Martian south pole

Thanks to ESA’s Mars Express, we now know that Mars has vast fields of perennial water…

SOHO snaps spectacular Sun shot

On Friday, 12 March 2004, the Sun ejected a spectacular ‘eruptive prominence’ into the heliosphere. SOHO,…

Two asteroid fly-bys for Rosetta

The Rosetta Science Working Team has made the final selection of the asteroids that Rosetta will…