Space phenomenon imitates art

Starry Night”, Vincent van Gogh’s famous painting, is renowned for its bold whorls of light sweeping…

The making of an Ariane 5 launch

As Ariane 5 sped into space carrying Rosetta, it was easy to forget that behind this…

Envisat concludes a busy second year in orbit

On the last night of February 2002 ESA’s Envisat – the largest and most sophisticated Earth…

Mars volcano in 3D

Hecates Tholus volcano as seen by the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on Mars Express during…

ISS to receive experimental figurehead

What resembles the head and torso of a human and will be attached outside the International…

Desert markings imaged from orbit

Visible from ESA’s Proba spacecraft 600 kilometres away in space are the largest of the many…


Like the massive white whale in Herman Melville’s 1851 classic “Moby Dick,” comets have long been…

Rosetta – a space sophisticate

The European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission will be getting under way in February 2004. The Rosetta…

Weather eye on Europe

ESA’s new Weather Today website allows you to access data from space relied upon by weather…

ESA Mars Express calls up NASA Spirit Rover

A pioneering demonstration of communications between the European Space Agency’s Mars Express orbiter and NASA’s Mars…