Space and security policy in Europe

A study on “Space and Security Policy in Europe” was initiated by ESA in the framework…

Mars is just around the corner

After a journey of 400 million km, ESA’s Mars Express is now approaching its final destination.…

Why is Mars so red?

VideoTalk is an exciting new multi-media feature that discusses the questions we hope will be answered…

Lose weight fast the ESA way!

Lots of us want to lose some weight ­ but just take your seat on one…

Mars from 5.5 million kilometres

This picture (copyright ESA) was taken on 1 December 2003 from ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft by…

Interview: Vittorio Formisano

Seven years ago Prof. Vittorio Formisano had the worst day of his professional life. A malfunctioning…

Countdown to a red Christmas

Join ESA on their journey to Mars this Christmas, from the comfort of your own home.…

The last cry of matter

‘Black holes’ are truly black. When an object gets within a certain distance from a black…

Envisat images delivered to Antarctic eclipse spotters

The great white expanse of Antarctica experienced the eerie darkness of a total solar eclipse late…

Europe to land on Mars

ESA’s Mars Express probe is scheduled to arrive at Mars at Christmas : the Beagle 2…