Space technology keeps Nuna II ahead of the pack

The Nuon Solar Team look set to beat their own world record for driving a sun-powered…

Integral discovers hidden black holes

Integral, ESA’s powerful gamma-ray space telescope, has discovered what seems to be a new class of…

ESA astronaut flies Cervantes mission to ISS

The Cervantes mission, with European Space Agency astronaut Pedro Duque, and the ISS Expedition 8 crew…

Solar Power Challenge uses Space technology

On 19 October 30 cars will be jostling for position at the start of the 7th…

Galileo Concession: shortlisting to proceed

The Galileo Joint Undertaking is officially issuing a first invitation to tender for the Galileo Concession.…

Space Days approaching

The ESA-sponsored Industry Space Days 2003 will provide companies with an inside view of the European…

Return to space for Spanish ESA astronaut

On 18 October the Soyuz TMA-3 spacecraft launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 11:37…

Satellite broadband to boost rural economies

The so-called digital divide that excludes rural communities from the benefits of broadband access could be…

ESA salutes China’s first human space flight

“Our warmest congratulations to the People’s Republic of China on this outstanding achievement” said ESA Director…

Ariadna to boost Advanced Space Research

Will spacecraft travelling through interplanetary space be able to determine their positions by using signals from…