Imaging vineyards from space will benefit Europe’s wines

Space data are set to become an added ingredient in future European wines. ESA is contributing…

Mars Express first check-out nearly complete

ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft is progressing further every day on its journey to the Red Planet.…

Burning forests speedily space-mapped for fire fighters

Maps of burning Spanish forests taken from space have been relayed to local fire fighters in…

Visit Europes space image banks

Looking for images of space? The selection of photos available to ESA Portal visitors has now…

Europes master plan for space technology

ESA and its 16 national delegations have come together with the European Commission and more than…

Antenna anomaly may affect SOHO scientific data transmission

The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft expects to experience a blackout in the transmission of…

Beagle 2 ‘cruise check-out’ tests

The instruments on board ESA’s mission to Mars, Mars Express, are in the process of being…

Europeans Say “Yes” to a Strong Europe in Space

The four-month consultation on the Green Paper on European Space Policy came to a close in…

Space tech keeps Pescarolo on track at Le Mans

Pescarolo Sport’s use of ESA technology in their two racing cars shaved crucial seconds off every…

Successful design review: ATV gets go-ahead

In early June 2003, the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) programme reached a milestone in successfully passing…