Mars Express — fastest to the Red Planet

Mars Express is the first example of ESA’s new style of developing scientific missions: faster, smarter…

New destination for Rosetta, Europe’s comet chaser

Comet-chasing mission Rosetta will now set its sights on Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko. During its meeting on 13-14th…

SpaceGrid study ends on an optimistic note

Almost two years have gone by since ESA set up the SpaceGrid study to see how…

Securing Europe’s access to space, now and for the future

Ministers in charge of space affairs in Europe, meeting in Paris today, agreed on steps to…

First EGNOS signal in space

After several years of initial definition, detailed design, production and deployment activities, the EGNOS (European Geostationary…

Galileo becomes a reality for Europe

The European Space Agency is now able to finalise the conditions for participation in the Galileo…

ESAs new education site goes live

Travelling through space and exploring new worlds fires most young peoples’ imagination. ESA’s new-look education site…

Mysterious ‘Garden-sprinkler’ nebula

There are many mysterious objects seen in the night sky which are not really well understood.…

Distant doctors make their rounds via satellite

ESA telemedicine technology enables specialist physicians to perform detailed patient consultations from hundreds of kilometres away.…

Mars Express Coverge Details

On 2 June at 19:45 CEST (Central European Summer Time, 17.45 GMT/UTC) ESA’s Mars Express satellite…