Researchers make green chemistry advance with new catalyst for reduction of carbon dioxide

Researchers at Oregon State University have made a key advance in the green chemistry pursuit of…

Broader view of sexuality in prisons needed to help inmates reintegrate into society: study

A narrow, outdated understanding of sexuality in prisons is causing serious psychological harm to male inmates,…

Coronavirus: have we already missed the opportunity to build a better world?

Many people like to say that the coronavirus is teaching us a lesson, as if the…

Revealing the structure of the mysterious blue whirling flame

A team of researchers working at the University of Maryland has uncovered the structure of the…

Physicists calculate when the last supernova ever will happen

The end of the universe as we know it will not come with a bang. Most…

Crystallization of colloids secured to oil-water interface responding to laser illumination

A team of researchers at the University of Cambridge has developed a method for the crystallization…

Artificial intelligence examines best ways to keep parolees from recommitting crimes

Starting a new life is difficult for criminals transitioning from prison back to regular society. To…

Satellite record gives unprecedented view of Antarctic ice shelf melt pattern over 25 years

A science team led by researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego has…

Video: ESA's meteor camera captures the Perseid showers

The Perseids meteor shower is one of the most spectacular annual meteor showers. Made of debris…

Demonstrating entanglement through a fiber cable with high fidelity

A team of researchers from Heriot-Watt University, the Indian Institute of Technology and the University of…