Harvard invites freshmen to campus, but classes stay online

Harvard University’s freshman class will be invited to live on campus this fall, while most other…

NASA finds wind shear battering tropical storm Edouard

The latest tropical storm in the Atlantic Ocean formed one day ago and was already being…

Iron in the Greenland ice core relative to Asian loess records over the past 110,000 years

To weigh in on the ‘iron hypothesis’ in the North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling (NEEM) ice…

Highest peak power and excellent stability demonstrated in a laser

Power-scalable ultrafast laser sources in the midwave-infrared (MWIR) are a key element for basic research and…

Making plastic more transparent while also adding electrical conductivity

In an effort to improve large touchscreens, LED light panels and window-mounted infrared solar cells, researchers…

How do bacteria build up natural products?

The active agents of many drugs are natural products, so called because often only microorganisms are…

Scientists show how bacterial 'attack dog' toxin disrupts protein synthesis

A team of Skoltech researchers from the Severinov Laboratory and their colleagues have identified the way…

2-D semiconductors found to be close-to-ideal fractional quantum Hall platform

Columbia University researchers report that they have observed a quantum fluid known as the fractional quantum…

Academics call for 'Five Capitals' approach to global resilience

Writing in the leading academic journal, Nature, Cranfield academics are calling for global resilience to be…

Nitrogen pollution policies around the world lag behind scientific knowledge

National and regional policies aimed at addressing pollution fueled by nitrogen lag behind scientific knowledge of…