Topology protects light propagation in photonic crystal

Dutch researchers at AMOLF and TU Delft have seen light propagate in a special material without…

First official names given to features on asteroid Bennu

Asteroid Bennu’s most prominent boulder, a rock chunk jutting out 71 ft (21.7 m) from the…

West coast dungeness crab stable or increasing even with intensive harvest, research shows

The West Coast Dungeness crab fishery doesn’t just support the most valuable annual harvest of seafood…

Study reveals breast cancer cells shift their metabolic strategy to metastasize

New discovery in breast cancer could lead to better strategies for preventing the spread of cancer…

Recovering phosphorus from corn ethanol production can help reduce groundwater pollution

Dried distiller’s grains with solubles (DDGS), a co-product from corn ethanol processing, is commonly used as…

PIA23781: NASA's OCO-2 Instrument Measures Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide

           Target: Earth Mission:  OCO-2 Instrument:  OCO-2 Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Utah Click here…

Startups Launching Innovative R&D on SpaceX CRS-20 to Improve Patient Care on Earth

Startups Launching Innovative R&D on SpaceX CRS-20 to Improve Patient Care on Earth Click…

Black hole from the early universe is blasting us with a powerful jet

A huge black hole from when the universe was less than a billion years old is…

Problems with Headquarters Mass E-mailings to Yahoo and AOL Addresses

Starting sometime Wednesday evening, March 5th, mass e-mailings sent from ARRL Headquarters have been refused by…

NASA Satellite Offers Urban Carbon Dioxide Insights

Using data from NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2, researchers found links between the population density of cities…