A simple way to control swarming molecular machines

The swarming behavior of about 100 million molecular machines can be controlled by applying simple mechanical…

New 'supercondensers' store electric charge in textile materials

Researchers of the Alcoi campus of Valencia’s Polytechnic University (UPV) have developed new devices that store…

Axion particle spotted in solid-state crystal

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden, Princeton University, the…

Accidental discovery of strong and unbreakable molecular switch

An organic material that can repeatedly change shape without breaking would have many useful applications, such…

Molecular basis of drug's effects on limb and ear development revealed

Researchers in Japan and Italy have deepened understanding of the way in which thalidomide causes developmental…

An intelligent, shape-morphing, self-healing material for integrated artificial muscle and nervous tissue

Advances in the fields of soft robotics, wearable technologies and human/machine interfaces require a new class…

The surprising decline of entrepreneurship and innovation in the West

The idea that we are living in an entrepreneurial age, experiencing rapid disruptive technological innovation on…

Indian paper wasps have their favourite places in their nests

A new study from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) has shown that Indian paper wasps…

Histone modifications are the influencers of zygotic genome awakening

The zebrafish is an important model organism in biology. Humans and zebrafish share 70 percent of…

Glycans found binding to mammalian RNA

A team of researchers at Stanford University has found evidence of glycans binding with mammalian RNA.…