Connected up in S5C

The Proba-V-SSIC composite is connected to electrical ground support equipment in its new home in the…

Closing of Proba-V’s final panel

Following its arrival in S5C, Proba-V’s final battery mating and closing of its last panel took…

Proba-V on the move within house-sized container

On 2 April the Proba-V–SSIS composite was placed onto a dedicated adapter cone before being placed inside…

The Horsehead Nebula in new light

This fly-through takes the observer on a journey into the famous constellation of Orion, to visit…

Starburst galaxy

Artist’s impression of starburst galaxy HFLS3. The galaxy appears as little more than a faint, red…

Riding a Vespa

The Proba-V minisatellite atop its Vega Secondary Payload Adapter

Proba-V is seated for flight

ESA’s Proba-V vegetation-mapping minisatellite has been fitted to the payload adapter and met its fellow passengers…

Proba-V on Vespa adapter

Proba-V atop the Vespa (Vega Secondary Payload Adapter) adapter on 15 April 2013. The minisatellite will ride the…


Technology image of the week: Nanoparticle coatings improve heat transfer and reduce carbon emission

Luca Parmitano EMU

ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano in full spacewalk gear before the start of his Volare mission to…