Astrophysicist Michael Turner Joins Kavli Foundation as Senior Strategic Advisor

Astrophysicist Michael Turner Joins Kavli Foundation as Senior Strategic Advisor Click here for original…

InSight Sees Drifting Clouds on Mars

NASA’s InSight Mars Lander used its Instrument Context Camera beneath the lander’s deck to image these…

SatixFy to Supply On-board Processing ASICs to Airbus for Advanced Processed Payloads

SatixFy to Supply On-board Processing ASICs to Airbus for Advanced Processed Payloads Click here…

Radioactive carbon from nuclear bomb tests found in deep ocean trenches

Radioactive carbon from nuclear bomb tests found in deep ocean trenches Click here for…

Move over, silicon switches: There's a new way to compute

Researchers have introduced a voltage-controlled topological spin switch for logic and memory devices, such as computer…

Learning language: New insights into how brain functions

When it comes to learning a language, the left side of the brain has traditionally been…

New pathway for improving metabolic health

Blocking the action of an enzyme involved in protein digestion may improve metabolic health, according to…

Mini-centrifuge for simpler study of blood cells opens new organ-on-chip possibilities

Micro-device to enable tailored experiments in drug development and disease research via new ‘organ-on-chip’ systems. …

Cambridge science history museum reopens after renovation

The Whipple Museum contains 10,000 scientific instruments with many dating from the 17th Century. …

Fast radio bursts: We're finally decoding messages from deep space

Strange signals from space called fast radio bursts have confused astronomers for years. A new wave…