Rosetta’s self-portrait

ESA’s Rosetta comet-chaser has photographed itself in space at a distance of 35 million kilometres from…

SMART-1 views Europe

The first picture of Earth taken by the SMART-1 spacecraft on 21 May 2004 from a…

Did comets flood Earths oceans?

Did the Earth form with water locked into its rocks, which then gradually leaked out over…

Cassini-Huygens looks at Phoebe

Images collected during the Cassini-Huygens close fly-by of Saturn’s moon Phoebe give strong evidence that the…

Space technology races round Le Mans

Spaceflight engineers face three constant challenges: reducing weight and size, improving thermal insulation and increasing reliability.…

Perspective view of Melas Chasma

On 2 May 2004, the High-Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on board the ESA Mars Express spacecraft…

Evidence of flooding on Mars

These images of fluvial surface features at Mangala Valles on Mars were obtained by the High…

Parabolic Flight Campaign underway

The 37th ESA Parabolic Flight Campaign started last week in Bordeaux, France, with preparation and training…

A “Swarm” of satellites to look inside the Earth

ESA’s Earth Observation Programme Board has just decided which of the six Earth Explorer candidate missions,…

‘Music2Titan’: sounds of a spaceprobe

When ESA’s Huygens spaceprobe, travelling on board NASA’s Cassini spacecraft en route to Saturn, lands on…