The Spirit of Pete Conrad Lives on at Innovation Summit

A lunar habitat module, paper that captures sound as energy and a drug delivery system for…

Natalie Batalha Talks About Choosing Science as Career

Natalie Batalha discusses her decision to choose science as a career.

Futuristic Rocket Lands; “Bird on Fire” Featured

A 40-foot high rocket from the future and a 20-foot tall bird with its head and…

NASA Awards Space Technology Contract

NASA has contracted with ERC Inc., of Huntsville, Ala., for space technology research and development activities…

Students Prove Visit to Ames Was Not a “Drag”

Thirteen year old Ajay Ramesh and twelve year old Prithvi Aiyaswamy, two seventh grade boys from…

NAI ‘Removes Walls’ for Virtual Conference

A virtual "Workshop Without Walls" conference hosted last week by the NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI) drew…

Ames Researcher Revolutionizes Air Traffic

Forty-five years ago, a 27-year old Heinz Erzberger arrived at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field,…

Education Day Features Multiverse of Learning

NASA’s Ames Research Center will host its first Education Day in conjunction with Yuri’s Night on…

Cassini Shows Saturnian Roller Derby, Strange Weather

Saturn may look like a peaceful orb with rings worthy of a carefully raked Zen garden,…

NASA to Launch Festive Celebration of Space

Yuri’s Night Bay Area (YNBA), a stellar celebration of space exploration with music, dance, technology and…