A total solar eclipse just passed over Chile and Argentina

On 2 July, the moon blocked out the sun over areas of Chile and Argentina in…

The weirdest stars we've ever seen have astronomers utterly baffled

The light from a pair of stars about 360 light years away dimmed and brightened again…

Interstellar object 'Oumuamua almost definitely not aliens, we think

After the interstellar asteroid ‘Oumuamua flew through our solar system in 2017, some researchers speculated it…

Planet in triple-star system may be our best chance to find alien life

An exoplanet 22.5 light years away that orbits in a system with three stars has the…

NASA is sending a drone to fly around Titan looking for signs of life

The Dragonfly mission, a quadcopter that will flit around Saturn’s hazy moon Titan to look for…

Mystery radio waves from space tracked to a surprising home galaxy

For the second time, astronomers have tracked a strange blast of radio waves from space to…

Working hypothesis: from Raspberry Pi to abolishing time

Our regular column sorting the week’s supernovae from the absolute zeros Click here for…

Unique chance to confirm there is methane – and perhaps life – on Mars

NASA’s Curiosity Rover has detected methane on Mars, and we may be able to confirm the…

Unique chance to confirm methane spikes – and perhaps life – on Mars

NASA’s Curiosity rover has detected a brief burp of methane on Mars, and we may be…

NASA is going back to the moon but most people in the US don't want to

Most people in the US don’t support going to the moon or Mars, according to a…