Tracking the working dogs of 9/11

A study of search and rescue dogs showed little difference in longevity or cause of death…

Physical and cognitive function have improved meaningfully in 30 years

The functional ability of older people is nowadays better when it is compared to that of…

NASA's IRIS spots nanojets: Shining light on heating the solar corona

Researchers report the first ever clear images of nanojets — bright thin lights that travel perpendicular…

Researcher analyzes the use of solar energy at US airports

By studying 488 public airports in the United States, researchers found that 20% of them have…

Comet discovered to have its own northern lights

Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko has its own far-ultraviolet aurora, data reveal. It is the first time such electromagnetic…

Comet Chury's Ultraviolet Aurora

Comet Chury’s Ultraviolet Aurora Click here for original story, Comet Chury’s Ultraviolet Aurora …

A link between sensory neurons activation and the immune system

Scientists have developed an implantable technology that enabled the discovery of an interaction between sensory neurons…

Researchers discover new molecules for tracking Parkinson's disease

New research describes an innovative method for identifying molecules that can help track the progression of…

Extra stability for magnetic knots

Tiny magnetic whirls that can occur in materials – so-called skyrmions – hold high promises for…

Astronomers discover an Earth-sized 'pi planet' with a 3.14-day orbit

Scientists have discovered a ‘pi Earth’ — an Earth-sized planet that zips around its star every…