Scientists get atomistic picture of platinum catalyst degradation

Degradation of platinum, used as a key electrode material in the hydrogen economy, severely shortens the…

Fossils reveal diversity of animal life roaming Europe 2 million years ago

A re-analysis of fossils from one of Europe’s most significant paleontological sites reveals a wide diversity…

Re-engineered enzyme could help reverse damage from spinal cord injury and stroke

Researchers have redesigned and enhanced a natural enzyme that shows promise in promoting the regrowth of…

Inflammatory bowel disease linked to an immune cell run amok

Researchers report that the lasting nature of inflammatory bowel disease may be due to a type…

Contagion model predicts flooding in urban areas

Inspired by the same modeling and mathematical laws used to predict the spread of pandemics, researchers…

New insights for sun-gathering technologies

Researchers are taking a page from Nature’s lesson book. Inspired by the way plants and other…

Having a doctor who shares the same race may ease patient's angst

When doctors are the same race as their patients, it can sometimes forge a sense of…

Novel 3D-printed device demonstrates enhanced capture of carbon dioxide emissions

Researchers have designed and additively manufactured a first-of-its-kind aluminum device that enhances the capture of carbon…

Excessive fructose consumption may cause a leaky gut, leading to fatty liver disease

Excessive consumption of fructose — a sweetener ubiquitous in the American diet — can result in…

Are antivitamins the new antibiotics?

Antibiotics are among the most important discoveries of modern medicine and have saved millions of lives…