Extinction: Quarter of UK mammals 'under threat'

Review of UK mammals finds that a quarter of native species are at “imminent threat of…

Nasa Mars 2020: First aircraft to fly on another planet

Ingenuity is a 1.8kg (4lb) helicopter that will ride to Mars attached to the belly of…

Mystery of origin of Stonehenge megaliths solved

Archaeologists have pinpointed the source of the stones to an area 15 miles north of the…

Nasa Mars rover: Perseverance robot poised for launch

The one-tonne vehicle will search for signs of Martian life and prepare rocks to send home…

Covid-19: Infectious coronaviruses 'circulating in bats for decades'

Research suggests a close ancestor of the coronavirus emerged in bats between 40 and 70 years…

Airbus to build 'first interplanetary cargo ship'

The European aerospace company will make a huge satellite to bring Mars rocks back to Earth. …

Climate change: Coastal erosion 'to threaten more Australian homes'

See the damage done by waves – and the problem will only get worse with climate…

Princess Anne: Fly-tipping 'a major irritation'

The Princess Royal has guest edited Country Life magazine ahead of her 70th birthday. …

Ecuador on alert over huge Chinese fishing fleet off Galapagos Islands

Ecuador is on alert due to the appearance of a fleet of fishing vessels off the…

'Once-in-a-lifetime' opportunity for more sustainable food

An independent review of the UK’s food policy calls for a new green revolution. …