Bacteria made to mimic cells, form communities

Scientists have found a way to make single-celled bacteria behave like stem cells, differentiating into genetically…

Adults who mix cannabis with opioids for pain report higher anxiety, depression

Not a good mix: A researcher has found that adults who combine prescription opioids for severe…

Tissue model reveals role of blood-brain barrier in Alzheimer's

A new study shows how the Alzheimer’s disease allows toxins to pass through the blood-brain barrier,…

Tool to assess cognitive and language development in two year olds

New research provides standardized scores for language development in 2 year olds. Click here…

Arctic sea-ice loss has 'minimal influence' on severe cold winter weather

The dramatic loss of Arctic sea ice through climate change has only a ‘minimal influence’ on…

Artificial intelligence helps banana growers protect the world's most favorite fruit

Using artificial intelligence, scientists created an easy-to-use tool to detect banana diseases and pests. With an…

Glitch in neutron star reveals its hidden secrets

Neutron stars are not only the most dense objects in the Universe, but they rotate very…

Methane not released by wind on Mars, experts find

Methane not released by wind on Mars, experts find Click here for original story,…

United Launch Alliance Submits Proposal for U.S. Air Force’s Launch Services Competition

United Launch Alliance Submits Proposal for U.S. Air Force’s Launch Services Competition Click here…

New target found for disease of the heart's smallest blood vessels

When we race walk, for example, part of our healthy heart muscle may want a little…