Can we solve the riddle of the coral reef halos?

Patches of coral reef are often surrounded by very large ‘halos’ of bare sand that are…

Smelling with your tongue

Scientists report that functional olfactory receptors, the sensors that detect odors in the nose, are also…

Polymer reversibly glows white when stretched

Researchers at the University of Fribourg’s Adolphe Merkle Institute (AMI) and Hokkaido University in Japan have…

In order to recognize spatial structures, bat echolocation uses similar cues as our sense of sight

The sonar system of bats exploits spatial information in a way similar to our sense of…

Imaging system helps surgeons remove tiny ovarian tumors

Ovarian cancer is usually diagnosed only after it has reached an advanced stage, with many tumors…

Water Innovation Prize goes to startups targeting methane and wastewater

A startup with a cheap technology for purifying textile wastewater and another with a system to…

'Nanofiber yarn' makes for stretchy, protective artificial tissue

The human body is held together by an intricate cable system of tendons and muscles, engineered…

Machine teaching: How people's expertise makes AI even more powerful

Most people wouldn’t think to teach five-year-olds how to hit a baseball by handing them a…

New nanomedicine slips through the cracks

In a recent study in mice, researchers found a way to deliver specific drugs to parts…

Netflix spared as Academy keeps Oscars rule unchanged

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences on Tuesday voted to not change its rule…