Kepler Mission Reveals Inner Secrets of Giant Stars

University of Sydney astrophysicists are behind a major breakthrough in the study of the senior citizens…

NASA Negotiates Six, One-Month Options With United Space Alliance

NASA has incorporated six, one-month content adjustments that provide options for continuation of services to support…

NASA Awards Space Shuttle Main Engine Contract Modification

NASA has signed a $36.9 million contract modification to space shuttle main engine manufacturer Pratt &…

NASA Spacecraft Reveal Mysteries Of Jupiter And Saturn Rings

In a celestial forensic exercise, scientists analyzing data from NASA's Cassini, Galileo and New Horizons missions…

Salt-Seeking Spacecraft Arrives At Launch Site NASA Instrument Will Measure Ocean Surface Salinity

An international spacecraft that will take NASA's first space-based measurements of ocean surface salinity has arrived…

Celestial Mountains

The Tien Shan mountain range is one of the largest continuous mountain ranges in the world,…

Resumption of tours and exhibits

Resumption of Tours and exhibits

AKARI observes dying stars’ final phenomena

CAC open-house event postponed