United Architecture success means fluid communication

New Target Launch Date: Nov. 1

Space shuttle Discovery's STS-133 mission is now targeted for launch Nov. 1 at about 4:33 p.m.…

Logistics transformation changes way warfighters receive support

ESA’s Earth Explorers to safeguard our planet – Video

Credits: ESA, 2010

Two Engines Installed, Last One Today

Space shuttle Discovery has two of its three main engines in place and technicians will install…

Sagamihara Campus Special Open-house ‘Let’s go and discover the mystery of space!’

Follow-up Observation of Haiti Earthquake by PRISM and AVNIR-2 onboard “Daichi” (3)

Firework safety paramount during July

American hospital emergency rooms treated an estimated 7,000 people for fireworks-related injuries during 2008. Of these…

Teachers Learn Rocket Science

School is out for the summer, and those long, lazy days of summer without classes provide…

A Rover Gets Its Wheels

Mars rover Curiosity, the centerpiece of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission, is coming together for extensive…