Scarce Water, Our Quiet Sun and Space Rocks Among NASA News Highlights at American Geophysical Union Meeting

NASA researchers will present new findings on Earth and space science topics during the fall meeting…

Press Credentials Deadlines Set for Next Space Shuttle Flight

NASA has set media accreditation deadlines for the next space shuttle flight to the International Space…


An F/A-18 mission support aircraft shadows NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, or SOFIA, 747SP during…

Air Force launches WGS-3 satellite

Space on the front lines

New Date for Endeavour’s Rollover

Space shuttle Endeavour will be moved from its hangar to the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA's…

Hubble telescope finds ‘never-seen’ galaxies

The Hubble telescope has captured some of the oldest galaxies yet seen in the universe using…

Hubble telescope finds ‘never-seen’ galaxies

The Hubble telescope has captured some of the oldest galaxies yet seen in the universe using…

What are your thoughts, while behind the wheel of a car?…AFSPC wants to know!

Satellites help preserve our planet – Video

Credits: ESA TV