Tracking Desertification

With a quarter of the Earth’s land surface affected, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification…

The Amazon from Space

This rare, almost cloudless Envisat view of part of the northeast coast of South America stretches…

Space improves life in the desert

An innovative tent, developed with the use of space concepts, is now on display at the…


NASA is using the unique capabilities of the Hubble Space Telescope for a new class of…

Women’s International Simulation for Exploration

The second campaign of the Women’s International Space Simulation for Exploration (WISE) study has been fully…

Ringside view of Dione

The NASA/ESA/ASI Cassini spacecraft successfully completed its only fly-by of Dione on 11 October 2005. Cassini…

The Violent Cosmos

Observing the cosmos, full of violent phenomena and extreme energy, has been the task of ESA’s…

Hawaii from Space

This Envisat image shows the volcanic island of Hawaii (Hawai’i), also known as the ‘Big Island’,…


NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory revealed a new generation of stars spawned by a super-massive black hole…

Bat Inspires Space Tech

Metal detectors currently used for screening aircraft passengers could soon be supplanted by novel millimetre-wave cameras,…