Sixteen youngsters attending the Discover Engineering Family Day event February 18 in Washington, DC, had the…
Launch postponed
Tonight’s Ariane 5 ECA mission was postponed following a low pressure reading in the launcher’s cryogenic…
NASA seeks new Challenges
NASA’s Centennial Challenges Program has released draft rules for six new prize competitions. NASA is seeking…
Phlegethon Catena
These images, taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on board ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft,…
NASA Spinoffs
“Spinoff 2005,” NASA’s publication featuring the agency’s latest technological innovations transferred to the commercial market is…
Satellites support sustainable development
Corporate Sustainable Development (CSD) – also referred to as Corporate Social Responsibility – is now at…
Java from Space
At a glance this Envisat radar composite image of the west part of Java reveals two…
First images from GERB
The Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) onboard the MSG-2 satellite captured its first images on 1…
SeaSAR Satellite Ocean Radar
Radar satellites such as ESA’s Envisat and ERS-2 maintain constant watch on the Earth’s surface, their…
NASA honored former astronaut Michael Collins for his involvement in the U.S. space program with the…