Moon landings: What was the 1969 Apollo 11 mission?

It’s 50 years since the first ever manned landing on the Moon – what was involved? …

How a fake hand test can help the study of empathy

People with a rare condition called mirror-touch synesthesia could help scientists understand empathy. Click…

Bloodhound supersonic car to run at high speed in October

The UK-led attempt to break the land speed record will conduct 500-600mph trials later this year. …

Climate change: UK government 'not acting fast enough'

The UK government isn’t cutting emissions fast enough to tackle global heating, its advisers say. …

Attenborough: Climate risks Africa turmoil

The naturalist and broadcaster Sir David Attenborough says that climate change will make parts of Africa…

Getting money for your bottles and cans

Recycling reverse vending machines will soon be a common sight across Scotland. Click here…

California earthquake leaves scar on the desert

Satellite pictures shows how the 7.1 magnitude earthquake changed the landscape. Click here for…

Climate change: Water and green energy produced by a single device

Researchers adapt a solar panel so that it can produce drinking water from the sea as…

Dancing cockatoo videos: Snowball 'shows social behaviour'

Snowball went viral in 2008, but now scientists say he can teach us about dance and…

David Attenborough: 'To chuck plastic into the ocean is an insult'

Broadcaster Sir David Attenborough has told the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee that “to chuck…