A hint of new physics in polarized radiation from the early universe

Using Planck data from the cosmic microwave background radiation, an international team of researchers has observed…

Scientists discover potential method to starve the bacteria that cause tuberculosis

The infectious disease Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. While rates…

Ancient blanket made with 11,500 turkey feathers

The ancient inhabitants of the American Southwest used around 11,500 feathers to make a turkey feather…

Scientists discover a motif that guides assembly of the algal pyrenoid

The next time you visit a lake or the seashore, take a deep breath. As you…

Gray wolf population in peril unless Biden restores 'endangered species' protections

After decades of bitter legal feuds and culture war skirmishes over the fate of wild wolves…

Fungus commits 'floral fraud' to fool insects into spreading it

The spores of some fungi can linger in the environment for months or years just waiting…

A microscope for everyone: Researchers develop open-source optical toolbox

Modern microscopes used for biological imaging are expensive, are located in specialized laboratories and require highly…

Researchers create nanoscale slalom course for electrons

A research team led by professors from the Department of Physics and Astronomy have created a…

Keyhole wasps may threaten aviation safety

Over a period of 39 months, invasive keyhole wasps (Pachodynerus nasidens) at the Brisbane Airport were…

Offshore submarine freshwater discovery raises hopes for islands worldwide

Twice as much freshwater is stored offshore of Hawai’i Island than was previously thought, according to…