LIGO and Virgo detect neutron star smash-ups

On April 25, 2019, the National Science Foundation's Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and the European-based…

Star with Strange Chemistry Is from Out of Town

Astronomers have discovered a star in the Milky Way Galaxy with a chemical composition unlike any…

Star with Strange Chemistry Is from Out of Town

Astronomers have discovered a star in the Milky Way Galaxy with a chemical composition unlike any…

Professor leads science study for new space-based observatory concept

After two years of intensive work, led by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory's (NRL) Space Science…

AX J1949.8+2534 is a supergiant fast X-ray transient, observations confirm

Based on the results from a set of telescopes, astronomers detected X-ray variability of the source…

Chemical evidence shows how a dwarf galaxy contributes to growth of the Milky Way

Small stellar systems like dwarf galaxies are thought to be the main building blocks of the…

Astronomers discover 2,000-year-old remnant of a nova

For the first time, a European research team involving the University of Göttingen has discovered the…

Dark matter exists: Observations disprove alternate explanations

As fascinating as it is mysterious, dark matter is one of the greatest enigmas of astrophysics…

Astronomers Discover 2,000-year-old Remnant of a Nova

For the first time, a European research team involving the University of Göttingen has discovered the…

Astronomers Discover 2,000-year-old Remnant of a Nova

For the first time, a European research team involving the University of Göttingen has discovered the…