What Separates the Inner and Outer Solar System?

Solar system in true color and size. Distances not to scale. Credits: NASA, Kevin M. Gill,…

Why Do We Think Triton Is a Captured Moon?

Montage of Neptune and its moon Triton. Credit: NASA/JPL. Have you ever wondered why scientists believe…

The Fascinating World of Asteroid Davida

3D model of asteroid 511 Davida based on lightcurve modeling. Credit: Marchis et al. (2006). License:…

Why Is Venus the Hottest Planet?

Why is Venus the hottest planet? Hint: the atmosphere. Here’s a photo of the cloud structure…

Where Are Most Asteroids Found?

A plot of inner solar system asteroids and planets in a manner that exposes the Kirkwood…

Stargazing Calendar for November 2023

Hyades open cluster. Photo by Todd Vance. License: CC BY-SA 2.5. As November unfurls its celestial…

Unveiling the Majestic Beauty of the Rosette Nebula

The Rosette Nebula in narrowband sulfur-hydrogen alpha-oxygen modified Hubble palette with a 384 mm telescope by…

Light Pollution Solutions

When Apollo 17 launched in 1972, one of the commentators memorably announced: “it’s lighting up the…