Conditions Ripe for Active Amazon Fire, Atlantic Hurricane Seasons

Warmer than average sea surface temperatures in the tropical North AtlanticOcean so far in 2020 have…

New report aims to prevent incels from turning to violence

Two political science students at the University of Alberta have written a background report to help…

VERITAS: exploring the deep truths of Venus

Imagine Earth. Now fill the skies with thick, sun-obscuring clouds of sulfuric acid; boil off the…

Structural analysis of COVID-19 spike protein provides insight into its evolution

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute have characterised the structure of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein as…

New ways to keep proteins healthy outside the cell

With increasing age, and especially in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, proteins tend to misfold and…

The ups and downs of a mega-lake

Together with an international team, researchers of the Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment at…

Living fossils: We mapped a half-billion years of horseshoe crabs to save them from blood harvests

If you ventured to the New York seaside in summer, you might see a large dome-shaped…

If Canada is serious about confronting systemic racism, we must abolish prisons

Global uprisings in response to anti-Black police brutality have prompted demands to defund policing and reinvest…

Albert Einstein the mediocre: Why the h-index is a bogus measure of academic impact

Earlier this year, French physician and microbiologist Didier Raoult generated a media uproar over his controversial…

New research reveals Indigenous public servants' experiences of racism

The Morrison government has just announced a plan to boost the number of Indigenous Australians in…