Every year, the Global Carbon Project analyses the global sources and sinks of CO2 and their…
Author: admin
'The message of urgency cannot be overstated,' EU environment body warns
The EU is not on track to meeting the vast majority of environmental targets for 2020—and…
Damaging rains from hurricanes can be more intense after winds subside
Howling wind drives torrential rain sideways as tall, slender palms bow and tree limbs snap. A…
Within sight of New York City, an old-growth forest faces storms and sea-level rise
Bounding the southern approach to New York harbor, New Jersey’s low, narrow Sandy Hook peninsula is…
Greta Thunberg's Atlantic crossing: 'Why I wanted to help'
Nikki Henderson, who helped Greta Thunberg get to Madrid, reveals what happened on their 19 day…
Better breastfeeding experiences make for a more productive office
Offices that create better access to breastfeeding facilities can perform better overall, according to new research…
Study reveals climate change impact on Antarctic penguins
Antarctic penguins have been on the forefront of climate change, experiencing massive changes to their natural…
How a shopping trip becomes a guilt trip—and then a vicious cycle
The timing of Giving Tuesday, coined “a global generosity movement,” is ideal. Monday having already been…
Image: A cloudy martian night through the eyes of a supercomputer
As NASA’s Curiosity rover makes its way over the surface of Mars, it’s sometimes accompanied by…
New technology for protein bioconjugation and structural proteomics
Researchers at the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Brno-based start-up CF Plus Chemicals, a spin-off…